


New Heart-Pumping HIIT Workouts: Interval Classes from Jazzercise

We're offering new classes! Unleash the heart pumping, fat burning power of High Intensity Interval Training (HiiT). It's max intensity from start to finish - there's no rest in these intervals. Get defined in all the right places with circuit-based bursts of cardio and strength training. Take your workout to the next level!

Learn to Love the Journey

Try this fad diet, use this cream to minimize cellulite, lose weight, hide imperfections, change this, change that…change everything about who you fundamentally are! Stop and read this first...

The Science Behind Happiness

Happiness is a rather fuzzy concept and can mean many different things to many people, but one thing remains constant - the science behind happiness is always the same. [Infographic]

Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick

New Year’s resolutions are popular because they offer a fresh start and another chance to get it right.

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